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Terms of Use

Scope of Application

The use of this website is governed by the following “Terms of Use”. This website provides information and data about EVOGUE BIZ, the EVOGUE BIZ distribution system, and the EVOGUE BIZ services and products. Such information and data shall serve exclusively for the purpose of information. Any use of this website shall be admitted only in compliance with these Terms of Use.

EVOGUE BIZ reserves the right to update these Terms of Use at any time.


Although the contents of this website have been created with the utmost care, EVOGUE BIZ shall not accept liability for the information provided on this website being up to date, correct or complete, nor for its quality. Liability claims against EVOGUE BIZ for the use of such information or the use of incorrect or incomplete information shall generally be excluded, unless EVOGUE BIZ has acted with intent or gross negligence.

EVOGUE BIZ shall be entitled to suspend, change and/or delete entirely or partly the operation of the website at any time. Accordingly, EVOGUE BIZ does not accept liability for the uninterrupted availability of the website.

Although EVOGUE BIZ will always endeavour to keep the EVOGUE BIZ website virus-free, EVOGUE BIZ does not guarantee its freedom from viruses. Before downloading any information, the user shall make sure that he has security devices and virus scanners appropriate for his own safety and for avoiding viruses from EVOGUE BIZ's website.

As provider of the contents, EVOGUE BIZ is responsible for its "own contents" made available for use under general legal provisions. Such contents are to be differentiated from linked contents provided by other content providers.

These links are always "living" (dynamic) referrals. Although for initial linkage, third-party contents are verified by EVOGUE BIZ as to whether they may give rise to any liability, EVOGUE BIZ does not verify such contents constantly in respect of changes that may give rise anew to such liability. In the event that EVOGUE BIZ finds, or is informed by third parties, that a specific offer to which EVOGUE BIZ has created a link should give rise to any civil or criminal liability, EVOGUE BIZ will promptly cancel the referral to such.

If registration is required, the user is obligated to give correct data for registration and to communicate any later changes in the data requested for registration promptly upon the next use.

If a user gives incorrect data for registration or does not communicate changes in the data given by him, the user may be barred with immediate effect from the use of the EVOGUE BIZ website through the blockage of his access data.

The user alone shall be responsible for the security of his password. He is not allowed to disclose such password to third parties. Should any unauthorised third parties obtain knowledge of his password, the user shall be obligated to promptly change his password.

The user may request at any time the deletion of his registration, unless the deletion is contrary to the completion of any contractual relationships not yet terminated. In such a case, EVOGUE BIZ will delete all user data and all other stored personal data of the user as soon as such data are no longer required or are no longer subject to the retention period.


All contents and structures (in particular, video clips, films, photos, texts, trade names and trademarks) of this website are protected by copyright and industrial property right. Their publication on the World Wide Web or other internet services shall not mean a consent to any other use by the user or by third parties. Any exploitation not permitted under copyright shall be subject to EVOGUE BIZ's prior written approval.

Obligations of the User

The user, and in particular a Key Influencer, shall not use this site for any purposes other than those set forth under the contract. Furthermore, it is not allowed to remit contents with programming that may cause damage to the software (viruses, Trojan horses, etc.), to place, store or send links or contents, to send advertising in the form of unsolicited emails, and/or to invite, by means of this website, participation in pyramid sales or other activities under penalty or violating moral principles.

Data Protection

With each access by a user to the EVOGUE BIZ website the data of this procedure are stored in a log file. Such data are not personal data. In the event that a user should contact EVOGUE BIZ by using his personal data, such data will be collected and stored exclusively for the intended purpose as provided by him.

EVOGUE BIZ may also commission companies outside the country with the provision of support services regarding the execution of BIZ transactions and customer service. EVOGUE BIZ shall ensure that the transmission of data to such companies will be in compliance with this data privacy statement and the European data protection regulation, and that the utmost care will be given to a high level of data security.

Applicable Law and Place of Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use shall exclusively be governed by United Kingdom law. This shall also apply to users who use the EVOGUE BIZ website from another country.

For the EVOGUE BIZ Key Influencers active on a commercial basis, the place of jurisdiction shall be United Kingdom.

General Provisions

In the event that any provision hereunder should be wholly or partly invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provision.

These terms of use were last updated 2023-03-13.